Tuesday, July 31, 2007

BBQ at HarrisWorld

Just wanted to give a quick shout out to the folks over at HarrisWorld for another fabulous Saturday barbeque. Despite the fact that their place was literally swarming with tiny tots, Meaghan, Zelda, and I managed to have a good time.

I rocked it as Moon Knight (who knew that guy existed?) in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance with Mike, Chris, Tony, and Kim's brother, Jay. Think Double Dragon with superheroes, if you're not familiar. Incidentally, I stake my claim now on Amethyst, Princess of Gem World (just check out that winged horse) if a DC version of this ever comes out.

We also broke out our German card game Bohnanza, in which you trade, plant, and sell different kinds of beans. I think a good time was had by most, even though we'd never played with 7 people before and inadvertantly made a mockery of the rules as a result. We'll get them right next time, I swear.

I don't get to see a lot of the people that spent a significant amount of time hanging out in my dorm room very often as they're all spread out so far across the country (it turns out that people don't often want to stay in Iowa), so it was good to see Jay again. I'll have to see if I can dig up some embarrassing photos that prove that I knew him my freshman year at Iowa State.

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