And as far as I can tell, that's all the show is about. Whereas Chuck is about a nerd who is funny, this show's jokes all come at the expense of nerdom. Didn't you know that nerdy things were inherently funny? Physics? Funny. Computer games? Funny. Star Trek and Star Wars fans? Funny.
Or maybe not. The humor on this show is very hit and miss. After watching the first four minutes, I declared this to be the least entertaining television show I'd ever seen. It didn't end up being that bad once the girl was introduced, but therein lies the flaw. I don't think the paper thin premise has all that much mileage to it. Eventually you're going to run out of things in the nerd subculture to mock.
I actually liked that I recognized a lot of the physics concepts they talked about, and I even laughed a few times while watching, but it's probably just not enough to make me want to keep watching (despite the theme song being performed by the Barenaked Ladies). If it sounds like something you might enjoy, though, you can check out the pilot episode on the CBS website.
I think an interesting thing about this year is just how much the networks are putting into having their pilots online for free viewing. It seems like a good ploy to me. I know that in the past if a show was on at the same time as another one I watched, then it would be unlikely for me to give it a shot. Now, if I hear someone talkng about a show and I haven't seen it yet, I can go back and watch it online (in decent quality).
I was especially thankful that The Office was on NBC's website this week, as Violi has total control over the TV for the hour that Grey's Anatomy is on. The Office was highly entertaining, having become an amateurish jogger myself, I appreciated lines like, "Hey, watch the nipples!" There were so many classic ones, I cracked up several times, but I think my favorite was, "You don't know me..." Hilarious.
I know that I shouldn't be surprised when I like a show that everyone else declares crappy and lame, but I was a little surprised that everyone hates this show. =( I laughed and even saved it on the DVR so Mike could watch it. And I HATE sitcoms.
I have to agree though that I was wondering where they are going next. Nerds are only funny for so long.
Hey, did you watch Moonlight? It is on Friday night so it's a taper, but I'm a sucker for vampire shows. Especially a cute vampire who likes to help the poor mortals.
Yeah, I watched Moonlight, I just haven't gotten to Friday night yet here.
The premise is good, but I thought the acting was really flat throughout and the effects were really cheesy (this is 2007, people!). Hopefully it'll pick up quickly over the next episode or two, otherwise I'm not sure if I can stick with it.
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