[I'll punch this up with an awesome picture tomorrow, if I can figure our newish camera out.]
The Caliber survived mostly intact with a mere 7 in chunk taken out of the rear bumper. You know, the bumper that was just replaced in January after our run-in with a semi over Christmas. You can't say we're not doing our part to help the auto parts industry, whether we like it or not.

The police have it narrowed down to a rusty white sedan. The errant driver was decent enough to leave behind a broken headlight of his own, so I suppose they could probably figure out a make from it if they wanted to. Considering the fact that I saw five rusty white sedans on a recent walk to a local restaurant (none of them had our stolen blue paint -- I looked), I think it's only a matter of time before the police find our man.
Man, that stinks. Can't believe he actually hit both of your cars! Brings back the memory of being called out to the parking lot to find my car smashed back at Hawthorne Ct. Too bad you didn't find this rusty white sedan on top of your cars. It made finding the guy a lot easier.
I'm thinking it is a great time to buy a house with a GARAGE!
Call in the FBI - they can match white paint like nobody's business.
Oh man!! That's horrible! The same thing happened to my Saturn months after I bought it. The poor little fella hasn't been the same since.
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